Tuesday, January 22, 2008

when shelley was 5 months

discarded aprons

apron strings

Nites out

do your breasts hang low

You can sing this to the tune of "Do your ears hang Low?"

which of you kitchen utensils . . .

the child remembered

yeah that's right . . .

why I never became a poet

why I did become a poet

10 ways to spot the bad mother

just one spray


10 ways to spot bad mother

whoops, you dropped it!

I went to a conference in sydney once and heard some aboriginal women tell their stories about how easy it was to lose their children to the authorities and later I thought of this idea. When I look at this cartoon I always remember when I dropped my son. I was talking on the phone at the time and he fell down and hit the piano with his head. He later hit another piano with his head, in his sleep.

oh my harry. . . . .

the babysitter

oooh not again

give me my breakfast

a good workwoman always blames her tools

happy mothers day

oh my children never cried

discarded breastfeeding support bra

I'll grate your bums

discarded washing

I can hear the sea

now you kids go to bed

"a bad workman always blames his tools"
A good workwoman always blames her tools.

bit high today

discarded dinner

empty pantry days

ten ways to spot

A woman's place

I made holes



What's the point of a see through . . .

After baking cookies

Arms for the Poor

Golden Rule

Mum Mum Mum Mum!

Its Just a little Lamb!

Quick Grab it before my arm falls off